Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Cookie Dough Balls

My brother Tom and his wife Shalaun shared this wonderful idea that I have completely taken to heart. Now that I am only cooking for two people (okay, okay, K.C. does the cooking half the time), a whole recipe for cookie dough is just way too much for us at one time. So now we scoop out all the dough in cookie size balls onto a cookie sheet (making sure to pop one in our mouths every once and a while) and then stick them in the freezer. Once frozen, throw them in a ziploc bag and continue to store in the freezer. Now, when we have a big cookie craving, we can pull out a couple cookie balls, throw them in the oven, and have warm cookies in a matter of minutes. Currently we have snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies in our freezer. You should try it out. It is simply the best.


Sarah said...

Great idea! The only problem is.. i do eat the whole batch...haha

K.C. said...

I swear its more like 3/4 of the time I'm cooking! ;)

Abigail said...

You donate plasma twice a week?! Amazing! Also, take a look at your interests. I love it.

Carrie said...

My cookie dough balls don't usually make it in the oven, but into my tummy. Even frozen cookie dough is delicious. Good self-control.

Carolyn Howell said...

Nice tip. Sounds like you are surviving nicely...plenty of desserts. xoxo

AllyPally said...

Great idea!! Love it! Miss you!